FREE SAIA ‘many voices’ Webinar #5

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REGISTER: FREE SAIA ‘many voices’ Webinar #5 Webinar Topic: Practicing… We present two leading inter-disciplinary practices which include architecture integrated with interior design, urban design, landscape design and town planning.  Both Jakupa Architects & Urban Designers and Iyer Planning, Urban Design & Architecture integrate practice across disciplines and scales.  They are undertaking and producing a broad and unique range of creative work anywhere between smart city planning, fine detail design, public space and landscape design, complex & super-scaled projects, large prestigious buildings, participatory planning methods, land restitution, housing developments, working in volatile contexts and problematic spaces, and public infrastructure, amongst others.  They will share their backgrounds, influences, competencies, philosophies, and how they work across disciplines in selected work & projects.  We will hear their insights on transforming urban space, designing future cities, and delivering housing, property and built infrastructure, as well as their thoughts on future practice models.     Panellists: Nathan Iyer – Planner & Urban Designer; Tahira Toffah – Architect & Urban Designer; Pragasen “Gabs” Pather – Architect; Khalied Jacobs – Urban Designer. Facilitated by Arch. Karuni Naidoo. Date: Wednesday, 26 July 2023 Time: 16:00 – 18:00 SAST MEET THE PANELLISTS CLICK HERE TO REGISTER The ‘many voices’ webinars are a programme of the SAIA Transformation Committee.
Design District – 3rd Floor, Cnr Tyrwhitt Avenue & Keyes Avenue, Rosebank
Postnet Suite, 128, Private Bag X31, Saxonwold, 2132
Tel: +27 11 782 1315 |
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